All Virgilio Partner Universities have a tradition of pioneering research. The Universities facilitate an environment of innovation and collaboration to support novel approaches to the understanding, treatment and prevention of human disease.
Virgilio students participate in laboratory rotations of 4 weeks per academic year in order to assimilate the theoretical knowledge acquired during the didactic courses into practical experience. The students have access to a wide portfolio of laboratories available in their respective Universities, where they are guided by leading Principal Investigators and Tutors in understanding the innovative approaches to enable the translation of new discoveries into applications that directly improve the care of individual patients.
During the laboratory experience, the students are required to:
1.Keep a daily diary on the activities performed in the lab, highlighting their role;
2.Write a final scientific and personal growth report that summarizes the lab activities, their own contribution, their understanding of the research project, the methods learnt, skills obtained, and the relevance of the experience with respect to the learning goals of the year.