Financed by Fondazione Cariplo, Virgilio Program – Excellence in Research Track is a first joint attempt of leading Universities in Italy - University of Milano-Bicocca, University of Milan and Humanitas University in training leaders in academic medicine.
With the mission to provide excellence in medical education, research and clinical care, Virgilio partner Universities are committed to investment in research at the undergraduate level, as the most effective pathway to educate future medical scientists.
Physician scientists represent an essential national resource in the pursuit of clinically relevant basic and translational research discoveries. The recognition that this small group of physicians is becoming an “endangered species” has sparked the establishment of several new programs by various medical schools, Universities and private foundations to ensure that the pipeline of physician scientists who are committed to this career path is maintained.
With the above premise, Virgilio Program is a joint effort of University of Milano-Bicocca, University of Milan and Humanitas University to train leaders in academic medicine. The program is designed to foster the development of independent scientific careers by providing a parallel academic track and an intensive training in scientific inquiry.
Virgilio is a merit based 3 years program that selects qualified students in the third year of their Bachelor Degree in Medicine & Surgery enrolled at each of the three partner Universities who undergo the formative training spread over 4rd, 5th and 6th year of their academic degree course. The students have the opportunity to gain research experience under the mentorship of tutors and leading physician-scientist mentors.
• To introduce medical students to the physician scientist career-path.
• To train students in scientific inquiry and connect basic sciences in biomedicine with clinical medicine.
• To provide mentored research experience to explore translational medicine as a career choice.
Benefits for students
• Dedicate time in medical school exclusively to conducting research.
• Receive an individualized mentoring plan designed to meet your needs.
• Tailor the program to satisfy your unique research interests.
• Curriculum designed to equip you with the knowledge, skills and tools in translational medicine