Student Spotlight

Scientific Communication Course Students VIDEO

During the online course on Scientific Communication for Virgilio Program's 1st Cohort Students, held by Dr. Chiara Gabbi MD PHD, students teams presented their communication projects assimilating the course learnings.

We are glad to share their excellent projects!

TEAM 1 - Cystic fibrosis prevention

Marco Sabaini UNIMIB
Emma Esposito UNIMIB
Marta Sanfilippo UNIMI
Matteo Biroli HUMANITAS
Emanuela Re Cecconi HUMANITAS

Our group focused on the topic Cystic Fibrosis prevention. Cystic fibrosis is an autosomal recessive genetic disorder that affects lungs, pancreas, kidneys, intestine and reproductive system by increasing the density of the mucus and secretions. There is no cure for cystic fibrosis.
Today with a simple genetic test it is possible to find out if you are a healthy carrier of the mutation. The health communication video aimed to bring awareness about the disease.

TEAM 3 - Depression is Real

Federico Luigi Motta UNIMIB
Ana Ciobanu UNIMI
Federica Paredi UNIMI
Matteo Gionso HUMANITAS

We developed this animation cartoon on “Depression” with the aim to spread the understanding of it as a real disease. This mental illness affects many people around the world and most of the time goes unnoticed and is not considered as a serious condition. Lack of support for people suffering from depression, coupled with a fear of stigma, prevent many from accessing the treatment they need to live healthy, productive lives.
Through this health communication video, we tried to describe Depression in as simple a way as possible to make the people conscious of the symptoms and the possible treatments available nowadays. Let us reduce stigma and promote mental health.


Team 4
Beatrice Peselli UNIMIB
Alfredo Marchetti UNIMI
Thomas Samer Tarawneh UNIMI
Daniela Sebastiani HUMANITAS

“In this short video we talk about the Importance of Health. During the pandemic, it has been even more important to take care of ourselves, body and mind. We decided to ask people across different ages, nationality and background what is HEALTH to them, describing in only three words. Without any stimulus, people focused their attention on mental health. In the video you can find even some tips about balanced diet, home exercise, good mental health habits. The aim of this video is to inform you of the importance of Health, both mental and physical and at the same time to bring a smile on your face. Enjoy watching it and let us know your three words! #healthtips​ #mentalhealth​ #exercise​ #balancediet​ #covid19​ “

TEAM 5 - Let’s get vaccinated!

Team 5
Martina Paredi UNIMIB
Marco Saracino UNIMI
Marco Minelli HUMANITAS

As fake news quickly spread through our society, science as well as our well-being is severely affected.

This video tries to disprove some of the world’s most tenacious myths regarding vaccines, such as “Vaccines cause autism” and “Nothing happens to me if I don’t get vaccinated”. This kind of misinformation can indeed be treacherous and dangerous for all of us.

Let’s denounce fake news and believe in evidence-based information.
